Who is Velupillai Prabhakaran? LTTE Chief allegedly 'alive and healthy' & 'will soon come forward'

Velupillai Prabhakaran alive claimed came 14 years after he was declared dead by the Sri Lankan government.

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In a massive claim, Tamil Nadu's veteran leader Pazha Nedumaran on Monday claimed that LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran is still alive and will soon make his public appearance. Velupillai Prabhakaran alive claimed came 14 years after he was declared dead by the Sri Lankan government. Nedumaran, who is the Tamil President of World Tamil Federation Pazha Nedumaran said it was time to lay to rest "rumours" about the death of the 'Thamizh Desiya Thalaivar'(Tamil Nationalist leader) Prabhakharan. "Let me inform you that he (Prabhakaran) is soon going to announce a plan for the liberation of the Tamil race. All the Tamil people of the world should support him together...I would like to reveal some truths about LTTE Chief Velupillai Prabhakaran. I am happy to reveal a truth which would dispel doubts about Prabhakaran. We will like to tell all the Tamil people that LTTE Chief Velupillai Prabhakaran is healthy and fine," Nedumaran said.

Pointing out that China is expanding its influence in Sri Lanka through investment schemes and projecting India as an enemy of Sri Lanka, he exhorted the Indian government to initiate necessary steps to prevent China from firming up its presence in the island nation. "LTTE has fought against that. In any situation, the LTTE never sought any help from the countries which were against India. China has set its foot in Sri Lanka and is trying to project India as Sri Lanka's enemy," Pazha Nedumaran noted. Now, the question arises who is Prabhakaran and whether Prabhakaran Alive claims are true not?

Who is Prabhakaran?

Prabhakaran founded the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and led an extensive guerrilla campaign for a Tamil state in the island nation (Sri Lanka). He was declared dead on May 18, 2009, following an operation by Sri Lankan army at Mullivaikal. It is pertinent to mention here that in the Sri Lankan government's announcement of Prabhakaran's death in 2009, several photographs of a body were shared. Many had then claimed these were doctored or fake images. Others had alleged that the LTTE leader was shot dead in violation of international conventions despite his offer to surrender under a pact. Prabhakaran was 54 at the time. Pazha Nedumaran did not share any details about the LTTE leader's present location.

Considering Prabhakaran is dead, he was a Sri Lankan Tamil guerrilla and the founder and leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a militant organization that sought to create an independent Tamil state in the north and east of Sri Lanka, due to the oppression of Sri Lankan Tamils by the Sri Lankan Government. The LTTE waged war in Sri Lanka for more than 25 years, to create an independent state for the Sri Lankan Tamil people. Prabhakaran was the youngest of four children, born in Valvettithurai, on Sri Lanka's Jaffna peninsula's northern coast. Considered the heart of Tamil culture and literature in Sri Lanka, Jaffna was concentrated with growing Tamil nationalism, which called for autonomy for Tamils to protest the discrimination against them by the Sinhalese-dominated Sri Lanka government and Sinhalese civilians since Sri Lanka gained independence from Britain in 1948. Founded in 1976, the LTTE came to prominence in 1983 after it ambushed a patrol of the Sri Lanka Army outside Jaffna, resulting in the deaths of 13 soldiers.

Rajiv Gandhi's assassination

Is LTTE's late chief Prabhakaran alive? Tamil Nadu leader Pazha Nedumaran makes massive claims

Notably, The LTTE were allegedly involved in the assassination of India's Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. However, the LTTE denied it saying that it is an international conspiracy against them.However, in a 2011 interview, Kumaran Pathmanathan, who was the Treasurer of LTTE and its chief arms procurer, apologized to India for Velupillai Prabhakaran's "mistake" of killing former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. He further said Rajiv's assassination was "well planned and done actually with Prabhakaran and (LTTE intelligence chief Pottu Amman). Everyone knows the truth". The TADA Court issued an arrest warrant for plotting of the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi. In October 2010, the charges against Prabhakaran were dropped by the TADA Court after the Central Bureau of Investigation filed a report stating that he was dead and the case was closed.
