Who is Kayla Kayden? Adult actress signs for Elon Musk's Neuralink chip implant

Kayla Kayden who had already expressed her wish in an interview to become the world's first 'human hybrid' has reportedly signed up for Neuralink's clinical trial

Trending, USA, Kayla Kayden, Who is Kayla Kayden, All About Kayla Kayden, Kayla Kayden Neuralink, Kayla Kayden Elon Musk- True Scoop

Adult movie star and playboy model Kayla Kayden has become the first person who will go under Elon Musk's Neuralink chip implant. Kayla Kayden who had already expressed her wish in an interview to become the world's first 'human hybrid' has reportedly signed up for Neuralink's clinical trial. As per US media reports, in September 2023, Neuralink, Elon Musk's firm specializing in clinical trials and development of brain implants, announced that it is seeking volunteers for a brain implant procedure. The firm is particularly interested in individuals under the age of 40 suffering from quadriplegia, aiming to aid severely ill patients to resume everyday life. Now, the question arises who is Kayla Kayden?


Who is Kayla Kayden?


Kayla Kayden is a 35-year-old adult film actress hailing from Nevada. She has declared her desire to be the first human-robot hybrid. In her interview, Kayla termed the Neuralink implant as a form of "brain botox".


Kayla was quoted saying, "As a hybrid human, I would have limitless possibilities. I could climb Everest at 90, and I wouldn't ever need directions or to hold a phone. I wouldn't ever need to ask questions because I would always quickly find an answer. I believe if this enhances my intelligence, it's worth doing. I wish to be part machine."


For the unversed, neuralink promises to be a link between man and machine. This will allow humans to directly interface with tech using brain power alone. Also, if successful this would open up the possibilities to perfecting other tech such as completely integrated bionic limbs - or perhaps even completely new robotic bodies. It is pertinent to mention here that Neuralink's initial trial applications are restricted to paralysis patients.
