‘Why live in regret…’: A deep dive into a life of regret & how to avoid it

Every person at some stage of his life gets stuck in regret for not taking some or the other extreme decision, but the key is accepting your decisions

Motivational, Inspirational Quotes, Regrets, Youth, Extra Lens- True Scoop

In the existence of innumerable types of creatures on earth, a human being is different in the way that it has a plethora of senses such as thinking, speaking, walking, smelling and seeing that others lack. With the help of these senses man considers himself more powerful than the rest. However, in spite of having so much compassion for knowledge, man is always full of regrets.


Every person at some stage of his life gets stuck in regret for not taking some or the other extreme decision. Here, if we talk about today’s youth who are getting education from universities and colleges then these young boys and girls have their own regrets. At present, while social media has brought every news and skills of the world to every human being, it has also contributed in making the youth frustrated and useless. Nowadays, every young boy and girl wants to live a luxurious life overnight by just holding a mobile phone in his hand without any effort or labour.


It is not so that with the increase in comforts and facilities, they have lost the balance of thinking and understanding, that they have lost the desire to work. While talking to a student, if you ask him what he wants to be, he will reply that there is nothing we can accomplish here.


From all the questions asked from the students, there are regrets in their replies like, 'I wish someone had guided me in the right way at that time', 'my parents were illiterate', 'I picked the wrong course', 'I was not made for this job', 'he is better than me' etc.


Talking to students of all ages and classes only brings up regrets. No one seems to be happy with his education, his life, his way of living, his work, his comforts and his personality.


If these questions of the youth are to be answered, then instead of regretting, it is necessary to take steps to work hard and act like, you should not regret the path you take, if your illiterate parents teach you, be proud of them, have faith in yourself, you can do everything, you can conquer everything, always think ahead instead of the past, no one can be better than you, do everything with passion, should give 100 percent to do any work, always keep positive thinking, etc.


Finally, an attempt was made to identify some of the reasons why the youth do this, such as: instead of living in the present, living in past or imagining the future, always looking out for others etc. The youth should always believe in finishing the day by working hard and thinking positively. Everything that happens in life is for our good. Instead of ever burning in the fire of regret, one should learn form such a mistake and forget it by vowing not to do it again. Man comes to the world empty-handed and goes back empty-handed, so why leave room for regret in it!
