Youth Activism in India: How the 'young-guns' can pull a better societal change

The rise of youth movements has increased due to various factors ranging from easy access to information to a growing sense of urgency in addressing pressing global issues.

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 The remarkable surge in youth activism in recent times has significantly impacted society. 

  • Catalysts for Change: The rise of youth movements has increased due to various factors ranging from easy access to information to a growing sense of urgency in addressing pressing global issues. Youth are more aware than ever before and tend to -participate more in raising their voices and addressing the issues which were not being vocalised earlier. 
  • Amplifying of voice: With the involvement of youth in raising awareness about various critical global issues such as gun violence, climate change, and racial injustice. The increasing number of young individuals are realising that they are the future of society and they are the ones who need to stand up for themselves and to secure a sustainable future. When in any movement youth gets involved, the enthusiasm in the young blood elevates the spirit of any campaign and leads it with full energy. 
  • Breaking Barriers: Many case studies of youth-led movements have successfully influenced policy decisions at local, national, and international levels. This depicts the various legislative reforms brought in by the change driven by young activists. Youth activists are challenging systemic inequalities based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status, disparity over these bases has been deeply engraved in society but now the youth is challenging the evils behind these social disparities. Emphasising the importance of intersectional advocacy in addressing the root causes of social injustice. Topics that were considered taboo by the previous generation are now being openly discussed by youth activists and more and more people are becoming aware of them. 
  • Building empathy and solidarity: Youth activism has taken an initiative in fostering empathy, solidarity, and mutual support within communities. Individuals who belong to groups that have been vulnerable in the past are now openly being embraced by society and more and more social groups and taboos are getting normalised. 
  • Looking Ahead: The future of youth activism appears vibrant and impactful. Empowered by technology and a deep commitment to social justice, young activists will continue to drive change on local and global scales. Embracing diversity and intersectionality, they'll forge alliances across borders, advocating for environmental sustainability, racial equality, and human rights. Navigating evolving political landscapes, they'll engage with institutions, pushing for policy reforms and electoral change. Cultivating empathy and resilience, they'll confront systemic injustices with courage and determination. Through mentorship and collaboration, they'll empower future generations, ensuring a legacy of advocacy and progress for a more just and equitable world.
