Dec 16 , 2023

Top 10 Young Bosses: Success Stories of Teen Entrepreneurs

By True Scoop

Mikaila Ulmer: Started a successful lemonade business at the age of 4.

Isabella Rose Taylor: Launched her own fashion line as a teenage artist and designer.

Cameron Johnson: Founded several successful ventures, including Cheers and Tears.Cameron Johnson: Founded several successful ventures, including Cheers and Tears.

Ann Makosinski: Invented a flashlight powered by the heat of the human hand.

Shubham Banerjee: Developed a low-cost Braille printer for the visually impaired.

Aidan Cullen: Co-founded a company using AI to brew personalized beer.

Rachel Zietz: Founded a sports equipment company catering to lacrosse players.

Rachel Zietz: Founded a sports equipment company catering to lacrosse players.

Ben Pasternak: Co-created apps and founded a social network for teenagers.

Maya Penn: Entrepreneur, artist, and eco-designer, creating sustainable products.

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