Every year August 1 is celebrated as a World Lung Cancer Awareness Day.
It is celebrated to generate awareness about disease and the unhealthy lifestyle that one needs to change.
According to WHO, an individual should be aware of the following things.
Causes- Smoking turns out to be the major cause which is responsible for 85% of all cases.
Causes- Smoking turns out to be the major cause which is responsible for 85% of all cases.
Although smoking is the prime cause, a non-smoker can also be affected by lung cancer.
Others include, passive smoking, occupational hazards, air pollution, hereditary cancer symptoms and previous chronic lung disease.
Symptoms- Cough, chest pain, continuous shortness of breath.
Other symptoms are coughing up blood, fatigue, weight loss with no known cause and recurring lung infection.
Prevention- Avoid smoking tobacco, staying away from second hand smokers, living in good well furnished areas with no factory around.
Diagnosis and treatment- Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, target therapy and immunotherapy based on the type of cancer.