Canadian colleges may go bankrupt if Indians turn away; 55 to 72 percent of fees paid by Indians

India-Canada dispute leaves Canadian colleges in big trouble

Trending, Indian students, Canadian colleges, Tuition fees, Economic impact, Indo-Canadian relations, Immigration, Permanent residency, Cultural exchange, International students, Canadian economy, Education, Challenges, Student demographics, Financial dependency, Government subsidies, Bilateral relations, Economic benefits- True Scoop

Amidst the ongoing tension between India and Canada, on one hand there is panic among the students preparing to go to Canada, while on the other hand many big colleges of Canada are in trouble.


Approximately, 70 to 80 percent of the students in these colleges are Indians and the fees paid by Indian students contribute 55 to 72 percent of the total annual fees.


If Indian students are not admitted in even one session, then these colleges are not able to meet the expenses of even one session.


For example, North College with 4000 students has only 833 Canadian students, 3353 Indian students and it is similar in all other major colleges in Canada, the Indian students who went as international students share is 65 to 75 per cent and this number is increasing every year.


Gagan Kanwal, who keeps an eye on every Canadian immigration issues says, “There is a fear in Canadian colleges and on the other hand, there's pressure on the Canadian government to not let the influx of Indian students block at any costs”.


According to the reports, Indian students contributed in about 18.9% of total college costs in 2017. In regard to this, International students collectively contribute 58.33% of total college costs, while Canadian students contribute only 41.67%.


Given below is the glimpse of increasing participation of the Indian student in Canada colleges along with their names:


Increasing participation of Indian students:


From  year 2017  to  year 2023

Kennador College   28.07%  72.32%

Northern College   18.99%  58.33%

Cambrian College   17.63%  55.25%


The burden on Canadian students:


Indian students pay three to five times as much as Canadian students. Canadian students receive substantial subsidies from the government but no such assistance is provided to the Indian or any other international student.


Tensions in Indo-Canadian relations:


India-Canada relations are facing many problems in the recent days. These tensions have enveloped different aspects of the bilateral relationship between India and Canada from trade disputes to diplomatic disputes.



From the past years, Indian students have traditionally been attracted to Canada for its high-quality education system, cultural diversity and immigrant-friendly policies. With this, Canada got benefited economically and culturally from the influx of international students, and particularly from the Indian students.


Stakes in Canadian colleges:


The reliance of Canadian colleges on Indian students puts them at a disadvantage. While most of their funding comes from international students and they will face financial hardship, if ever there will occur any problem in enrolling Indian students which will lead college administrators to stoppage on Indian students to have access to Canada.


Response from Canadian officials:


Canadian Immigration Minister Mark Miller made a clear statement to the Canadian Parliament in response to concerns raised by college officials. He emphasized that international students, including those from India, are a valuable asset to Canada. He stressed that the government should not hinder the admission of international students under any circumstances.


Economic Impact:


In addition to tuition fees, Indian students also contribute to the local economy of Canada through their living expenses by renting accommodations, buying goods and services, and helping with local workers.

This economic impact is especially important in small towns and cities.


Challenges faced by Indian students in Canada:


The influx of Indian students is certainly beneficial for Canadian colleges. The burden of high tuition fees, the need to work part-time to pay the bills, and the challenges of obtaining post-graduate work permits are some of the challenges faced by Indian students.


Cultural exchange benefits to Canada:


Indian students bring their rich cultural heritage, traditions and ideas to Canada. This cultural exchange enhances the college experience as a whole, by creating a complete diverse and inclusive environment.


Permanent residency benefits for Canada:


Many Indian students see their education in Canada as a path to permanence. The Government of Canada’s Express Access System has a provincially registered program that offers international students with the opportunity to transition to permanent residents.
