Education Minister Pargat Singh exhorts teachers to be role models for building a better society

Honours teachers for their contribution towards infrastructural and qualitative improvement in school education

Education Minister Honour teachers in Jalandhar, father of the nation Mahata Gandhi, Education Minister Pargat Singh exhorted teachers to be role models, Education News, Pargat Singh News, Punjab govt school news, Edu Secretary Krishan Kumar, Punjab News today, Punjab Smart Schools, TrueScoop News- True Scoop

While paying rich tributes to the father of the nation Mahata Gandhi, the Education Minister Pargat Singh exhorted teachers to be role models in true spirit to build a better society.

He was addressing the DEOs, Deputy DEOs, District Smart School Mentors and Assistant Co-ordinators here at DC meeting Hall today. He honoured Smart School teams of different districts with appreciation letters on pattern with state awards for their contribution towards infrastructural as well as qualitative reforms in schools. The minister also handed over as many as 27 appointment letters to  persons on compassionate grounds

"The role of both the parents and the teachers is most potent in determining the future course of the society. As the human resource development is crucial for building a nation,hence,the teachers should come forward to ensure conducive environment for honing up creative potentialities of the children as well as imbibing moral and ethics cal values", said Pargat Singh while adding that the intellectual property of the department should be strengthened for devising a policy to bring in further improvement in school education so that all round development of children could be ensured.

The Education Minister lauded the concerted,consistent and dedicated efforts of the teachers for bringing in educational reforms in Punjab, ultimately achieving the prestigious top rank in Performance Grading Index. He emphasised the need of further strengthening the reforms in education  so that better performance in National Achievement Survey could be ensured.

Pargat Singh also stressed the need of strengthening sports infrastructural facilities, converting the remaining schools into smart schools, computerisation and grievances redressal system to ensure conducive environment for education.

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Earlier, the Education  Secretary,Krishan Kumar, apprised the Education Minister of the various path breaking initiatives taken by the Education Department,including starting pre primary education, smart school policy,teacher transfer policy, recruitments, promotions, digital education, fast track ,hassle free and transparent delivery of various public utility services.

The DPI (Secondary) Sukhjitpal Singh, also addressed the gathering .
