International Yoga Day 2021: 10 Yoga Asanas to boost your immunity during pandemic

Day 2021 Yoga: These specific asanas will help to strengthen your body and mind, boost your immunity, and relieve weariness.


Immunity has always been a crucial yet overtook part of human health. We found ourselves questioning our immunity and scrambling to find ways to raise it quickly as a result of the recent pandemic and the chaos that ensued as a result of it. Correct nutrition, exercise, and especially yoga practices came to the rescue for many of us.

Yoga has been practised for thousands of years, which has helped yogic science in researching and developing practises to keep our bodies, minds, and souls healthy and elevate our vibrations to the level of the cosmos, allowing us to manage everything that comes our way. These yogic practises can also help us boost our immunity and improve our defences against disease.

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Yoga is divided into four different types of practices. Asana, pranayama, kriya, and meditation are all forms of yoga. Here, I'll discuss asana and pranayama, as well as some practices to help you boost your immunity and keep it high through these tough times.


By pressing pressure points, this balancing stance helps to increase fresh blood flow throughout the body, providing the body a jolt of immunity-boosting fluid. It also detoxifies and restores balance in the body.


This simple yet effective posture can help to keep the nervous system in good shape, as well as bring balance and strength to the body and boost the immune system.


The triangle position helps with breathing by stretching the fascia around the lungs. Because it is an opening posture, it is ideal for persons who have tension in their hips. Triangle pose allows for a deep opening and release of energy, as we carry a lot of our emotions in our hips.


Shalabhasana is a simple yoga asana that strengthens and improves the spine, hip joints, lower back, legs, and pelvic organs. It's a popular yoga pose for improving the immune system by increasing blood flow to the spinal area.


This asana is a great stress reliever because it improves the movement of white blood cells and strengthens the immune system by applying pressure to the digestive system.


Fish pose, also known as matsyasana, is an elevated stance that detoxifies the body and increases energy levels. It can also help to clear congestion by opening up nasal passageways.

Yog Nidra

This position promotes deep relaxation and rest. It relaxes the nervous system, resulting in less stress and improved organ function. Insomnia, burnout, depression, and a weakened immune system can all be helped with yog nidra.

Anulom vilom Pranayama

Holding one nostril closed while inhaling and the other nostril closed while exhaling is known as anulom vilom. After that, the process is reversed and repeated.
Stress reduction enhanced breathing, and circulation is just a few of the physical and psychological benefits of alternate nostril breathing. Anulom Vilom Pranayama is also the most effective means of balancing our body's three doshas.


Kapal bhati is a kriya that can be done as a pranayama. The words Kapal, bhati, and pranayama all mean "skull," "shine," and "breathing technique," respectively. It's a terrific breathing exercise that can help you enhance your overall health. Through the outgoing breath, this breathing exercise can remove up to 80% of toxins from our bodies. Kapal Bhati Pranayama, when practiced regularly, can aid in the detoxifying of all of the body's systems.


Bhastrika is a Sanskrit word that means "bellows," which are commonly used by blacksmiths to melt metal. Bhastrika Pranayama, like the bellows that fan the fire, increases the flow of air into the body to produce heat on both a physical and subtle level, fanning the inner fire of mind and body. On the respiratory and digestive systems, it has a beneficial impact. Excess phlegm is expelled from the lungs. Improves the vitality of all organs and tissues by oxygenating the blood.

As a result, regular and dedicated practice of yoga postures and pranayama, as well as basic meditation, can assist to boost your immunity and keep your body and mind happy and healthy.
