Kanye West Italy Video: Rapper & his wife Bianca Censori banned for life from Venice boat company after indecent exposure

Kanye West was caught with his pants down during a boat ride in Italy and tourists who were on board on other boats filmed him in the act.

Kanye West Video, Kanye West Italy Video, Kanye West Italy Boat Video, Kanye West Bianca Censori Italy Boat Video, Kanye West Bianca Censori Venice Boat Video, Kanye West Bianca Censori Banned, Hollywood News Today, Latest Hollywood News, Top Hollywood News, Hollywood Updates,Entertainment News, Entertainment News Today, Latest Entertainment News, Top Bollywood News, Top Celebrity News,Hollywood News Today, Latest Hollywood News, Top Hollywood News, Hollywood Updates- True Scoop

American rapper & musician Kanye West is not new to controversies, however, this time he dragged his wife Bianca Censori in a row as well. As per reports, Kanye West and his wife Bianca Censori have been banned for life by a Venetian boat company following the rapper’s recent indecent exposure. Kanye West was caught with his pants down during a boat ride in Italy and tourists who were on board on other boats filmed him in the act. As a result, Kanye West Italy boat video went viral on social media and he was slammed for spreading obscenity publically. After Kanye West Italy boat video became a topic of discussion on social media, Venezia Turismo Motoscafi, who rented the boat to the couple was quoted saying that West and Censori will “no longer be welcome” aboard any of their vessels.

Notably, Kanye West viral Italy video was shot on Sunday when he hired a river taxi to roam the famous Venice canals. Venice Canals which is a tourist spot reportedly made tourists nearby him uncomfortable as the rapper was seen without pants. Seeing Kanye West's viral video, it can be said that the rapper was not bothered at all and he was quite comfortable with his pants down publically. West, who was dressed in all black, sat atop an elevated –and very open — area with his pants partially down for unknown reasons.

Venezia Turismo Motoscafi in their statement said that their employees were “completely unaware” that the Grammy winner had dropped his pants on board until the photos went public last week. “The driver had to keep a lookout for traffic and did not see these obscenities..If this had happened, he would have immediately disembarked and reported the transgressors to those in authority,” said the Vessel company.

What did fans say about Kanye West's viral video?

A user wrote, "I’m all for married couples doing their thing. But they weren’t even alone, another woman was right there watching lol."

Another user wrote, "His wife always looks terrified"

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One more user wrote, "Being a good tourist is boiled down to seven words, “When in Rome do as Romans do.” respect the laws and cultures of other countries ..These, and all other people who violate the laws of other countries, and ours, should be subject to their laws. This should be understood when we visit and when we cross their borders. If you visit a country where the penalty for drug use or possession is a long prison term - that is exactly what one should get. If you do something like this…whatever the Court in Venice decides. We should simply turn a blind eye to “The Ugly American” overseas and not condone such behaviour, nor should we at home."
