Ludhiana Horror: Man found cut-up into pieces & stuffed in suitcase on a Railway track

A railway employee found parts of the deceased body on the tracks, following which he informed the authorities.

Punjab, Ludhiana-News, Ludhiana-Railway-Murder, Body-Found-in-Ludhiana, Dead-Body-found-on-Ludhiana-Railway-Track, Ludhiana-Murder, Ludhiana-Dead-Body- True Scoop

In a horrific development, an unidentified man was found chopped up into pieces on a railway track in Ludhiana. The parts of the deceased were found stuffed into a suitcase. A railway employee (key man) informed the RPF (Railway Protection Force) about this. The employee found the man's severed legs in a plastic envelope while patrolling.


As per reports, the suitcase of the deceased’s mutilated parts was found on the bridge over the railway tracks, while his legs were found dumped on the tracks. The Police suspect that the killer tried to dump all of the parts of the deceased on the track but was unable to lift the suitcase. The identity of the deceased is yet unknown, however his severed head was found among his arms and torso in the suitcase.


After receiving the information, police from both RPF and GRP (Government Railway Police) agencies reached the spot. Railway police also informed the district police about the incident. Police of police station division number 6 reached the spot and started investigation. During the investigation, the police also found a suitcase on the bridge after the severed legs.


The investigation is currently underway and the police are reportedly scouring the nearby CCTV footage to identify and apprehend the killer. The police is also asking nearby residents for information.
