Ludhiana’s Pandit Paranthewala controversy: Neighbour seen urinating outside shop & harassing the customers on CCTV

Pandit Parantha Wala released the CCTV footage of his neighbor doing the shameful acts outside his shop, which occured 3 days ago at night

Punjab, Trending, Ludhiana News, Punjab News today, Daily Punjab News, Local News Punjab, Ludhiana Pundit Paranthewala, Pundit Ji de Paranthe, Chaura Bazar Ludhiana- True Scoop

The dispute between Ludhiana’s famous Pandit Paranthe Wale and his neighbor shows no signs of de-escalating as both the sides are vehemently pointing fingers at each other. In a shocking revelation, Pandit Parantha wala made the video of the dispute with his neighbor public. In the video, his neighbor could be seen urinating outside his shop. He also snatches the tea from the waiter who is carrying it for the customers, drinks it and violently throws the glass outside the shop. This incident occurred 3 days ago according to reports.


Giving information, Pandit Paranthe Wala's son, Harman said that he has been facing trouble with his neighbor for a long time. He explains that 3 days ago, the accused neighbor had assaulted his father Raman, due to which the dispute escalated. Shopkeeper had made various attempts to de-escalate the situation, but the accused would not have any of it. He also harasses the customer, picking their food up and consuming it.


What is the controversy?

Following a commotion outside the famous shop located in Chaura Bazar on January 31, it was alleged by a woman that the Pandit Paranthewala had beaten her husband and her for no apparent reason in their house. She even made some serious accusations of rape against the shopkeeper. According to reports, the woman said that her family were enjoying tea when the Paranthewale disturbed their evening and abused them. The shopkeepers says that the allegations are false and it is all a ploy to ruin his reputation.


Today, due to anger on his neighbour, he said that had to make the CCTV footage public. On the other hand, a complaint has been lodged in the police station division number 3 by Meenakshi, the woman who made the allegations on the shopkeeper. 
