2 vehicles, 6 men in Sikh attire: Unveiling critical clues in Hardeep Nijjar’s killing investigation

Mysterious assassination: Pro-Khalistan leader's murder reveals disturbing intricacies

Hardeep Singh Nijjar, Canada based Pro Khalistan Hardliner, British Columbia Killing, Sikh Gurdwara, Investigation Update, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, Indian Government Involvement, Intelligence sharing Alliance, Death Threats, Surveillance Request, Community Safety, Diplomatic Spat, Diplomatic Expulsions, Travel Advisories, Punjab News, Punjab News Today, Latest Punjab News, Top Punjab News, Punjab News Live, Punjab News Update- True Scoop

In June, the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a prominent pro-Khalistan figure residing in Canada, occurred outside a gurdwara in British Columbia. Shockingly, the incident involved the active participation of a minimum of six individuals and two vehicles in sikh attire.

Revealing revelations:

These startling revelations come from a meticulous investigation, further substantiated by credible eyewitness accounts. This points towards a significantly larger and well-coordinated operation than what was initially reported.

Lack of transparency:

Members of the local Sikh community, meanwhile, say authorities have told them little about their investigation of the June 18 killing outside the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara in Surrey. They said police were slow to the scene, and disagreement between agencies caused further delay. Several business owners and residents near the gurdwara say investigators have not visited to ask questions or request security video.

Allegations of Government involvement:

In a bombshell announcement last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told Canada’s House of Commons that authorities were pursuing “credible allegations” that agents of the Indian government were involved in the killing. The allegations were based in part on information gathered by one of Canada’s partners in the intelligence-sharing Five Eyes alliance.

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Security concerns:

Nijjar, 45, the president of the gurdwara, had received death threats in the past, his family said. The threats to Nijjar’s life were well known in the community. Some gurdwara members told The Post they worried when they saw him driving alone. His son said he wished he could have driven a bulletproof car, which is illegal in British Columbia, or worn a vest, for which a permit is required.

Suspicious findings:

Moninder Singh, the spokesman of the British Columbia Sikh Gurdwara Council, said Nijjar’s mechanic recently found a tracker in the wheel well of his truck.

Diplomatic tensions:

Meanwhile, Trudeau's accusation has led to a diplomatic spat between India and Canada with New Delhi rejecting Ottawa's claims as "absurd and motivated," followed by tit-for-tat expulsions of senior diplomats and travel advisories.
