Who is Audrey Hale? 28-year-old transgender caught on CCTV in Nashville school shooting

Audrey Hale was from Tennessee, United States from the same region. She was described as a quiet student who recently graduated with a degree in illustration and graphic design from Nossi College of Art

Audrey Hale, Who was Audrey Hale, Who is Audrey Hale, Who was Audrey Hale, Is Audrey Hale Dead, Audrey Hale Nashville School Shooting, Why Audrey Hale Shoot, Audrey Hale Transgender Nashville Shooting, World News, World News Today,Top World News, World News Headlines,World Breaking News,International News,Latest World News, Politics News- True Scoop

In a blood-boiling incident not only for America but for the world, at least 6 people were massacred including 3 children in a shooting at a private Christian grade school in Nashville on Monday. The Nashville school shooting has shocked the entire America and the world. During the Nashville school shooting, the shooter was neutralized during a confrontation with the Police. Later, the shooter of Nashville school shooting was identified as Audrey Hale. After the shooting at the Christian grade school, people around the world are venting their anger on social media and even want to know who was Audrey Hale and why did she go on a shooting spree. To know the answer continue reading-

Who was Audrey Hale?

As per US media reports, Audrey Hale was from Tennessee, United States from the same region. Audrey Hale was described as a quiet student who recently graduated with a degree in illustration and graphic design from Nossi College of Art. Audrey Hale who is a transgender used to design logos for businesses. Daily Beast cited people close to Hale, who described Hale to be an ‘autistic’ student but highly functioning. The Nashville police chief John Drake was quoted saying that Hale a ‘transgender woman’ but Hale’s LinkedIn profile shows that Hale used the pronouns ‘he/him’. On Monday, Hale was armed with an AR-style rifle, an AR-style pistol, and a handgun, Hale entered the school by shooting the locks of the closed side entrance and killed Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs, and William Kinney, all aged 9, as well as head of school Katherine Koonce, 60, substitute teacher Cynthia Peak, 61, and school custodian Mike Hill, 61. Hale used a Honda Fit to drive to Covenant School, a Presbyterian private school, and obtained the guns locally.

Why Audrey Hale opted for the mass shooting?

Daily Mail reported that the manifesto police found after carrying out a search in Hale’s home said that she felt angered that she was sent to a Christian school. The police said Audrey Hale "was prepared for a confrontation with law enforcement". The manifesto indicates that the school was only one among multiple locations where Hale had plans for mass shootings. As per New York Post, Audrey Hale’s mother Norma Hale was a gun control activist and shared several social media posts and even carried out a mini-campaign in 2018 and 2019 to sign a petition calling to keep firearms out of schools. The guns Audrey used had stickers and writing on them, including “Hellfire” and “Aiden” — a name used by Hale online, the New York Post said in its report. It also said that police are investigating if her gender identity had something to do with the attack.

Here's what the social media says-

Americans react to Nashville school shooting

A user wrote, "What have we lost? Pastor Chad Shcruggs and his wife Jada will be be burying their daughter Hallie after the mass shooting in Nashville today. I want people to look at these faces before they make everything on the news a political problem. These people held us up. Let’s uplift…"

Another user wrote, "The media stopped caring about the shooting in Nashville when they found out it was a target on Christians. A 9 year old girl was killed by a transgender that was dissatisfied with the politics in Nashville. I’m a Tennessean I will make sure we never forget Hallie Scruggs. We…"

US Nashville shooting: Who is the suspect that killed 6 people including three children in school?

"Here is our Nashville shooter, Audrey Hale. I ask you honestly, does this look like America has a gun problem or a mental health problem?' wrote another user.
