Who is Maci Currin? All about Texas woman with the World's longest legs

On the occasion of her 21st birthday, Guinness World Record took to its Instagram handle and shared a heartwarming video of Maci Currin.

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Guinness World Record last week celebrated the birthday of Maci Currin, the woman with the world's longest legs. On the occasion of her 21st birthday, Guinness World Record took to its Instagram handle and shared a heartwarming video of Maci Currin. In the video, Maci Currin shared the problems she faced due to her long legs and how she overcame trolls. Maci Currin is already a TikTok sensation and Guinness sharing her video has amped up curiosity among people worldwide. Therefore, if you are wondering who Maci Currin is, below is everything you need to know- 

Who is Maci Currin?


Maci Currin, 21, hails from Austin, Texas. Maci Currin's height is 6ft 10ins and she recently went viral on TikTok after sharing clips of herself showing off her extraordinary height. Maci Currin has held the Guinness World Record for four years. As per Guinness World Record, Maci was 17 when she was confirmed as having the world’s longest legs (female) and the longest legs on a teenager, and was featured in the 2021 GWR book. 6' 10" tall Maci's left leg measures 135.267 cm (53.255 in), while her right leg measures 134.3 cm (52.874 in).

Recently Maci opened up about facing online hate. Maci was quoted by a UK media portal saying, "I get a lot of mixed reactions, but that’s to be expected. [I am also] called horror movie characters, like Slenderman. If someone is going to hate, they hate because they don’t understand."

Maci also shared the problems she faced due to her height. She was quoted saying, "I’ve always been taller than everyone since pre-school. I’ve always been a head above everyone. I was in second grade and while playing outside someone asked me if I was a middle schooler because of how tall I was. At the time I hated my height because it was the one thing kids could target me for."


Apart from this, Maci also struggles to find the right clothes that fit her - and has to wear custom-made jeans which are often way too costly. 
