Working from Home? Here are 8 tips to reduce back pain caused by long sitting hours

From neck pain to back pain, poor posture and weight gain, there are many risks associated with sitting for long periods of time

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Working from home has many advantages, including no commute, more time with family, and snacks on the couch. Working from home, on the other hand, is unfamiliar challenge for many people, and it presents a new challenge in turning the living room, dining room, or kitchen table into a workspace.

Back pain is normal, whether you work in an office or from home. If you're not careful, regular activities like the way you sit or lift something can cause back pain. Working at your kitchen counter for long periods of time or sitting in the wrong chair at your dining table is bad for your body 
and overall health.

Long periods of sitting can also be hazardous to your health. There are several risks associated with sitting for long periods of time, ranging from neck pain to back pain, poor posture, and weight gain. We will discuss few stretches, workouts, and activities that you can do to avoid or reduce the risks associated with long periods of sitting.

See 6 steps you can do to avoid back pain:

1. Choose the right chair. Since you'll be using the office chair mostly for back support, this is important. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all office chair. Your office chair selection may mean the difference between chronic back pain and increased comfort, fitness, and productivity.

2. Movement is medicine- Working from home is usually more difficult than working in an office with coworkers. Make a phone reminder for yourself. Regularly engaging in low-impact aerobic exercise provides vital blood flow to your tissues and can help to reduce back pain.

3. Correct your posture-  The benefits of sitting up straight include maintaining joint and bone alignment, strengthening muscles and ligaments, and avoiding muscle exhaustion. Furthermore, the spine is not kept in an abnormal position. Remember to sit all the way back in your chair to get the most out of the lumbar support that can help you. Knees should be bent at 90 degrees, and feet should be flat on the floor assisted by footrest.

4. Set Your Computer's Height - Your computer's height should not be set too high or too low. You shouldn't have to crane your neck up or down if your eyes are directed at the middle of the screen. In order to have the correct height, the laptop would need to be lifted anywhere from 5 to 10 inches.

5. Make use of your speaker- Stop attempting to multitask, particularly with your phone. To stop the uncomfortable neck cradle spot, switch on your speaker or put on a headset.

6. Breathe Mindfully - Proper breathing causes the body and muscles in the mid and lower back to relax.Exhale by inhaling and pulling your navel into your spine.This breathing exercise will make the core muscles work harder.

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Stretching exercises you can do while working for long hours:

1. You should sit somewhere with a view of the outside. It will help you change your eyes' focal length and give you a break from staring at your screen all day. 

2. Make a footrest to rest your feet on. To rest your feet, you can use a bolster or a stack of pillows. It causes the back of your knees to open up, allowing for better blood circulation and preventing injury.

3. Sit in the chair with your legs crossed. Develop the ability to sit in this position in a chair. Cross-legged sitting will help to lift the spine and relieve back pain.

4. Stand up for at least 3 minutes for every 30 minutes of sitting.

5. You should also do some stretching. Lower yourself down by spreading your legs wide (while sitting in the chair). Make a flat back and hold it for 5 seconds.

6. Raise yourself up by holding the sides of your chair. Hold for 5 seconds in this position.

7. Another stretching exercising that you can do during long sitting hours is sitting up straight and lifting your leg up. Repeat 5 times.

8. As you gain strength, consider working while seated on the floor. Fold a blanket three times and then sit on it. If necessary, use a wall as a support. Come forward when you no longer need wall support. Alter the leg's cross on a daily basis.
