Ludhiana toddler Kunwarpartap bags records for extraordinary memory skills

With his pictorial remarkable memory, he immediately recalls any talk or incident happened a year ago and before.

Ludhiana toddler Kunwarpratap Singh, Kunwarpratap Singh bags record for extraordinary memory, Ludhiana toddler gets mention in India Book of Records, Child Prodigy Magazine, Kunwarpratap Singh, Ludhiana three and a half years old boy news, Ludhiana three and a half years bags record for sharp memory, Kunwarpratap Singh news, Ludhiana toddler news, Ludhiana boy news, Punjab News, True Scoop News- True Scoop

A living testimony to the famous saying that age is just a number, Kunwarpratap Singh who is just 3 and a half year old has secured his names in India Book of Records, International Book of Records and selected in Child Prodigy Magazine for his sharpest memory.

At this tender age, Kunwarpratap Singh is a student of Sacred Heart Convent School in Sarabha Nagar. With his extraordinary memory skills, Kunwarpratap has surpassed the intellect of grade V student and knows tables of 1 to 40, Capitals of all countries of the world, multiples of any number, prime numbers. 

His passion for books is reflected in the fluency in his reading books and spoken language. He can comfortably pronounce long words and has a good reading speed. His amazing skills to solve multiplication, subtraction and division sums orally left everyone stunned. .

The blessed parents mention that he is fortunate to study at Sacred Heart as the value of ‘Sharing and Caring’ has been received so well by Kunwarpratap that  he loves to teach his age group children who come to play with him. 

He also remembers all the names of the residents, house numbers and other details of the colony residents. He attempts the olympiads easily and has many World Records to his credit. 

With his pictorial remarkable memory, he immediately recalls any talk or incident happened a year ago and before.

In India book of Records, he was declared Grandmaster title awarded for recalling 27 monuments in 1 minute, 14 multiplication tables in 1 minutes.

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In International Book Of Records, Youngest to recite 1 to 30 tables, Fastest to answer capitals of all Indian states i.e. in 48 seconds, Youngest to read maximum books i.e. 27 books in 23 minutes 48 seconds.

In Child Prodigy Magazine, he was Selected amongst top 100 from all over India.
