Who is Maureen Blanquisco? American bodybuilder who won Ms. Olympia 2022

To claim the top three positions, Andrea Shaw was able to overtake Angela Yeo, who came in second place ahead of Helle Trevino.

Andrea-Shaw Andrea-Shaw-Ms-Olympia-2022 Ms-Olympia-2022-Andrea-Shaw

Ms. Olympia 2022 was concluded on Saturday with American bodybuilder Andrea Shaw winning the prestigious title in Las Vegas. Ms. Olympia 2022 was held from December 15 to December 18 in which a total of twenty-one women from around the globe competed, but no one could defeat the American fitness queen, Andrea Shaw. Ms. Olympia 2022 winner Andrea Shaw won the title for the third time. To claim the top three positions, Andrea Shaw was able to overtake Angela Yeo, who came in second place ahead of Helle Trevino. During Ms.Olympia 2022, Andrea Shaw consistently maintained her position at the top of the crowd category since the division returned to the Olympia weekend in 2020. Shaw was certain she could make history because she had just won decisively at the 2022 Rising Phoenix-Arizona Pro.

With Andrea Shaw winning Ms. Olympia for the third time, here's what you should know about her-

Who is Andrea Shaw?

For the unversed, Andrea Shaw is an American professional bodybuilding champion, was born on December 18, 1983. Detroit, Michigan, is where she was raised. During her childhood days, Shaw loved gymnastics and competitive cheering. Because there were not many organized sports centres or appropriate equipment, her eighth-grade aerobics teacher at Benjamin Nolan Middle School taught her how to create her own structures within the middle school. After middle school, Andrea became interested in studies because she was exhausted from cheerleading and gymnastics. Her mother, a nurse, and former personal trainer encouraged her to start working out at the Powerhouse Gym in Centerline, Michigan, where she gained a little weight to support her athletic dreams.

When Andrea Shaw was 18 years old, her training adviser told her mother that she did not think she had the guts to go on with training. This motivated her to concentrate on getting in top shape. In the 2008 Karen Zaremba Classic, she competed and finished third. Later that year, she competed in the Michigan Natural Championships and finished fourth. Shaw stopped competing for the next eight years and concentrated on learning and researching exercises, finding a new trainer, and reading publications like Oxygen Mag, Muscle & Fitness Hers, Shape, and Muscular Development. She switched her degree and discovered a course that focused on experience and sports science. She made the decision to resume competing in 2016 and changed her physique.

Here is a list of all the winners from Ms. Olympia

2022: Andrea Shaw

Las Vegas

2021: Andrea Shaw

Orlando, FL

2020: Andrea Shaw

Orlando, FL

2014: Iris Kyle

Who is Hadi Choopan? Iranian-bodybuilder who won Mr. Olympia 2022

Las Vegas, NV

2013: Iris Kyle

Las Vegas, NV

2012: Iris Kyle

Las Vegas, NV

2011: Iris Kyle

Las Vegas, NV

2010: Iris Kyle

Las Vegas, NV

2009: Iris Kyle

Las Vegas, NV

2008: Iris Kyle

Las Vegas, NV

2007: Iris Kyle

Las Vegas, NV

2006: Iris Kyle

